You'll Never Be Perfect

But You Can Be Better

Tell Me About Yourself

It’s come to my attention, that while I know most of my subscribers on a personal level, some of you I don’t.

I want to remedy that.

I put together a little 10 question survey to get to know you better.

It would mean the world to me if you’d take a moment to fill this out.

I appreciate all of your support!

Just click here.

1 Quote

Perfectionists strive to never make mistakes. Excellence is striving high but offering yourself grace for mistakes made and things you don’t yet know.

Sharon Martin

2 Lessons

  • Become an improve-anist.

Yea, I know that’s not a real word.

But, it sounded good at the moment.

It probably needs a little more work, some tweaking.

But it was good enough for today.

I’m open to suggestions if you’ve got any.

I’m getting ahead of myself.

What is an improve-anist?

First, they’re they opposite of a perfectionist.

Perfection is a myth.

There will always be something wrong with the work you do.

You will always be able to pick things apart and find more.

But perfection isn’t the goal, improvement is.

Progress is.

Too often we get sucked into the perfectionist mindset and it robs us of action.

We don’t take the leap because in our mind it’s not good enough.

This is where the improve-anist comes in.

This is who I’ve tried to become.

A person who started a gym without an business understanding or background.

I started a podcast without ever hosting an interview.

Published a book, started a podcast, moved my family without having all the answers.

I jump into things and hit submit before it’s ready.

I do this so I can get feedback and start taking steps towards getting better.

I’m not concerned with getting it right today.

I just want it to be better tomorrow.

Am I stepping in the right direction.

Too often the fear of being perfect robs us of the action we need to move forward.

If you go back and look at the people you admire’s first works, there is one thing I’m sure you’ll find.

Their work today is better.

They’ve improved over time.

If you go back far enough, you’ll find something that’s probably not good at all.

But they took action anyway.

The people we end up looking up to aren’t different than you and me.

They simply took action and then constantly looked to improve.

At some point we all need to put down the pen.

Step away from the computer.

Hit submit.

The world doesn’t need you to be perfect.

It just needs to you be better tomorrow.

  • The fear of perfect

Pursuing perfect is a losing cause.

Yet we’ve all done it.

We’ve all be swept up by the mindset of not good enough.

It’s ok to want to improve.

It’s ok to try to do things to a high level.

But don’t let yourself slip into the world of perfect.

Because when we get caught up with being perfect, we open the door for fear.

And the fear is what stops us from growing.

It prevents us from trying new things, because we won’t be good enough.

It convinces us not to present our ideas to the class, group, board, manager, etc.

It leads us to working on unimportant tasks until they’re just right.

Things that nobody else cares about.

It may seem like wanting to be perfect is a good thing.

I mean, who doesn’t want to get something perfectly right.

But the trap happens when perfection becomes the target.

It slows growth.

It hinders confidence.

It prevents risk-taking.

This is true for you individually.

It is also true for your team if you’re a leader.

I was my most perfectionistic self as a baseball player.

I’d break down my swing, adjust small little parts, be hard on myself about things beyond my control.

I wanted so bad to be perfect.

Thankfully I found a balance.

I found an understanding.

Perhaps it was because in a sport like baseball, you can do everything “perfect” and still not get an outcome you want.

Maybe this was my saving grace.

Seeing this helped turn me into the man I am today.

Someone who’d rather take action and learn than wait til I get it right.

Don’t let fear stop you.

You’ll never be perfect.

Act today, grow tomorrow.

3 Good Things

Good Listen:

Do you like podcasts? I do. I’ve been a big fan of Joe Ferraro and his podcast One Percent Better Podcast for a long time. This week he shares a conversation with Brad Stulberg. This is a conversation you’ll find a lot of value in. Give it a listen.

Good Read:

I recently started reading Hidden Potential: The Science of Achieving Greater Things by Adam Grant. It’s pretty much exactly in line with who I am and what I aim to teach through my podcast, newsletter, social posts. Adam does a great job of combining stories and research to provide insights into ways we can all unlock our hidden potential. You’re going to enjoy it.

Good Apparel:

I recently released a special Veteran’s Day design for the Edge of Greatness Apparel. I will be donating all proceeds from the purchase of this shirt design to Tunnel to Towers Foundation. The shirt says “I give my best to honor our best” on the front.

There are also several new releases in the new fall collection which includes long-sleeve, sweatshirts, and hoodies. Greatness is something that we all can achieve, but the journey is often extremely challenging. The goal of our apparel is to remind you of what you’re capable of and keep an eye on creating the greatness you want in your life. Check out the fall collection.

Need a Coach?

If you’ve made it this far, I must have done something right.

If you’ve been finding value in the lessons and teachings above, and feel like you might need more, I’d love to hear more about your story.

Are you pursuing great things?

Are you in need of some guidance?

Are you feeling a little stuck?

Perhaps I can help.

I've spent the last 15 years working with clients as a personal trainer and coach helping them build healthy sustainable habits.

During this time I've learned the psychology of habit creation, the power of systems, and why simple works better.

I'd love to help you reach your goals.

I'm currently looking to add 2 new coaching clients to my roster.

If this sounds interesting to you, connect with me today and let's schedule a call to see if we're a good fit for each other.

Email me at [email protected]

Did you know?

I often forget to share all the ways you can connect and get involved with the Edge of Greatness project.

And since you’ve made it this far, perhaps you’re interested in more of what we do.



  1. Books: Be Great or Master of the Sea

  2. Speaking

  3. Coaching

  4. Apparel

  5. Collaboration/Sponsorships (reply to this email)

Thanks for Stopping By

Thanks for coming by. I hope you enjoyed this week's issue. If you'd like more content before next Tuesday visit The Edge of Greatness Project.

If you're working on a project or just need some help, please don't hesitate to reach out. I'd love to help you get to your next milestone. Just reply to this email.

It'd be great if you shared this with a friend. See you guys next week.