Lessons From the Fall

If it ain’t broke

I’m going to return to the old format of 1 quote, 2 lessons, 3 learning opportunities.

I’m going to go away from the mind, body, spirit section for a while and focus more on just external learning.

I am interested in your thoughts on continuing to do things this way.

My goal is to make this a useful newsletter.

We get enough crap sent to us every day, and I appreciate your willingness to get more sent.

Let’s make sure you’re getting something out of this.

Send me your suggestions or areas your struggling with.

Let’s make this newsletter a personal platform for your improvement.


1 Quote

Autumn embraces change, even as she is falling to pieces.

Angie Weiland-Crosby

2 Lessons

  • A Season of Change

Few people in this world truly like change.

But change is an inevitable part of life.

We’re taught this from an early age through the changing of the seasons.

Especially those of us raised in the Midwest.

Scorching summers, freezing winters, cool and crisp spring and fall.

My favorite season is fall.

The cool crisp morning air, the changing leaves, the colors, the sounds, the holidays, it’s the perfect season.

It’s also a great teacher.

It’s a great reminder that we must all be willing to go through a season of change if we wish to continue to adapt and grow.

The trees are our teacher.

Their fall colors set in, but only for a moment before they fall to the earth.

The leaves litter the ground and the trees now look barren and dead.

But the truth is that without this season of change, without this period of letting go, the trees would fail to continue to grow and prosper.

Think of fall as our chances to shed all the things that don’t matter.

To grow our roots and visit our core.

While the trees may look dead, they’re actually their strongest and they dig their roots in deep and endure the coming winter.

We need this change too.

But change is hard sometimes.

And often we try to avoid it as much as we can.

Without change, we will fail to continue to grow.

Embrace change the like the trees embrace the fall.

Sure the change may bring a period of bare limbs and an appearance of death, but on the other side we bloom again.

Shed your dead leaves.

Dig and grow your roots.

Create space for the coming spring.

I know the winter can be tough, and enduring all the change can be scary.

But without this period of struggle, change, we stop evolving and growing.

Take time this fall to shed your dead leaves.

Look for ways to grow your roots.

Fall isn’t just a pretty season of change, it’s a necessary one.

For the trees and for you.

Embrace the change, because new growth is just on the other side.

  • Do you ever think about legacy?

I’m not talking about the money or land that you’re going to leave behind.

I’m talking about the impact and lessons the world will remember you for.

Most of us will be lucky if after we go our kids, kids will hear stories about us.

But after that, will those lessons carry on?

Will our impact last?

It’s a deep question, I know.

But it’s one I wrestle with.

Not because I hope to be remembered forever.

I don’t think that’s in the cards for me, nor do I really care about that.

But the greater the impact I have on the world to be remember, the better I have lived my life.

That’s what matters to me.

How did I make people feel?

What kind of impact am I having?

Because if I have a positive impact on the people in my life, then those people will share that impact with others.

I often find myself thinking about my high school baseball coach when it comes to legacy.

He’s a man who lived how I aim to live.

With purpose, passion, and creating massive impact on those who came into his life.

Even though it was a brief life, his reach is far and wide.

I still share his lessons and wisdom with those I teach and try to live to the standard he set.

This is the type of legacy I hope to leave.

But how do we create that kind of legacy?


When you make your life about others, you increase the impact you have on the world.

I want to leave this world better than I found it.

If that means helping 1 person, 10 people, 100, people, 1,000,000 people it’s all about helping.

The way I go about this is aiming to help 1 person.

If I can help 1 person every day, it become 365 people this year, 1,825 people in 5 years, 3,650 people in 10 year, and if I’m lucky enough to change lives every day for 50 years that’s 18,250 lives helped.

The reason I aim small is because if I focus small, I can consistently be of service.

When I help someone with that kind of intention, then the lesson will mean more to them.

Perhaps they’ll share it with someone.

If all the people I help, help one person I’ve suddenly become part of helping 36,500 people.

See how this can create quite the snowball effect of impact.

So, if you’re like me and you hope to leave a legacy of change and impact, start today.

Help one person.

Use your knowledge and experience for positive change.

Leave this world better than you found it.

3 Good Things

Good Book:

I recently started listening to Arnold Schwarzenegger’s new book “Be Useful” on my drive to Louisville. There’s a calming sensation to listening to Arnold and a wisdom to the lessons within. I love the idea of being useful in this life. Asking yourself if what you’re doing is useful and if you’re living a life of purpose and meaning. Arnold has definitely taken this life by the horns and accomplished many incredible feats, but his ability to teach how he’s done it, is just as impressive.

Good Follow:

Social media can add value to your life or take it away depending on who you choose to follow. There’s both good and bad, just like everywhere else in life. If you’re like me and like adding value to your feed and making your time on social media worthwhile, check out Tyler Todt. Tyler is a loving father, positive voice, and motivational teacher. He’ll improve your feed.

Good Apparel:

I recently released a handful of new designs for the Edge of Greatness Apparel. This fall collection includes long-sleeve, sweatshirts, and hoodies. Greatness is something that we all can achieve, but the journey is often extremely challenging. The goal of our apparel is to remind you of what you’re capable of and keep an eye on creating the greatness you want in your life. Check out the fall collection.

Need a Coach?

If you’ve made it this far, I must have done something right.

If you’ve been finding value in the lessons and teachings above, and feel like you might need more, I’d love to hear more about your story.

Are you pursuing great things?

Are you in need of some guidance?

Are you feeling a little stuck?

Perhaps I can help.

I've spent the last 15 years working with clients as a personal trainer and coach helping them build healthy sustainable habits.

During this time I've learned the psychology of habit creation, the power of systems, and why simple works better.

I'd love to help you reach your goals.

I'm currently looking to add 2 new coaching clients to my roster.

If this sounds interesting to you, connect with me today and let's schedule a call to see if we're a good fit for each other.

Email me at [email protected]

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