Exploring Greatness Issue #9

Power of Purpose

Greatness is Coming!

We're already up to 9 confirmed speakers for the 2023 Edge of Greatness Summit. The goal this year is to reach 30 speakers which would double last year's effort. The event is scheduled for the first weekend in October.

If you're interested in sponsoring a portion of the event we have a couple different packages available that could suit your needs. You can email me at [email protected] or by responding to this email. Over the next few weeks I'll also begin early sign ups, and discounted premium access. I'm excited for what this year can bring.

Quick Question

I really want to get to know you better. Tell me a little about yourself by answering the poll below. Thanks.

1 Quote

Activity without purpose is the drain of your life

Tony Robbins

2 Lessons

  • Do you know where you're going?

There's a lot of places you can go.

The world has so much to offer, but do you know where you're headed?

Are you guided by a strong purpose?

I've been working through some relatively large life changes.

I'm excited about them.

I know not everyone enjoys change.

But, when the change that's happening aligns with our purpose it creates excitement.

I've found my purpose in service.

More than that, it's service around maximizing performance.

Achieving greatness.

For the last 15 years of my life I have worked as a personal trainer, coach, fitness expert.

All of these things are aimed at service.

Recently I felt like there was more ways I can serve.

I can go beyond what I'm doing.

This new realization has created a energy that's been missing for a while.

An excitement around what's to come next.

Often we are living a life closely connected to our purpose.

But is it fully aligned?

Is there more we can do?

Take a moment this week and think about your purpose.

Think about who you are and how you want to spend your life.

Our time is limited.

Make sure you're living a life of purpose.

Make sure you're being fulfilled by what you choose to pursue.

Don't fear change that puts you more in alignment with that purpose.

  • Working through change.

As I mentioned above I'm working through some life changes.

I'm going to share that with you now.

I'm selling my training business.

I'm getting my house ready to sell.

I'm moving my family to a small town in Ohio (which is closer to my wife's family).

I'm starting completely over in my own business.

It's all the emotions you could expect right now.





But the most challenging aspect of the change is the waiting.

I've committed to making this change.

My mind is all in on this.

But, I'm still here.

I'm still trying to work through all of these things I have going on while preparing to move.

Keeping myself focused and mentally present on my work is hard.

I've leaned heavily into my routines.

I've leaned into my discipline.

I've set smaller and smaller tasks in order to get me to start doing things.

Until we leave I know this is going to be how it is.

I have to find a way to continue to get work done for the next few months, while preparing for the move.

We all face ups and downs in our focus, energy, motivation.

Are you able to continue to make progress when all are low?

When you hit low points; lean into your purpose.

Why did you start this in the first place?

How will this serve your purpose?

These simple questions usually give me the bump I need to get started.

And once I'm started, I can get in a rhythm and flow.

Another important thing to try to do is this.

When you're riding a high; good energy, good focus, high motivation.

Build as much momentum as you possibly can.

Because just like riding a bike, if you pedal real hard, even after you stop you'll continue to roll for a while.

If you don't don't pedal hard when you're on the downhill, you won't build momentum to carry you up the climb on the other side.

Mind, Body, Spirit


Jesse Itzler is an impressive human. He's achieved success in several areas of his life. When I see people who have this level of success, I wonder, how did they get there? In this short clip he explains his mindset that allows him to constantly move forward and chase great things.


I've been a fan of Ross Edgley for a while now. He has performed some absolutely incredible feats of fitness including swimming around Great Britain, pulling a car for a marathon, doing a triathlon while carrying a tree to name a few. But not everyone is in a place where that's possible. Where can we all start? Check out these 6 ways to get fit shared by Ross.


Michael Easter opened my eyes to the amount of comfort we have in our life in our book The Comfort Crisis. If we are willing to push the edges of our comfort zone we find a new connection to ourself. A better understanding of our spirit in the world. Want an idea of how to connect to our discomfort? Do something challenging!

Coaching Available

I'm often surprised to hear people didn't know that I offer coaching. So, I want to remove any doubt, I provide coaching. If you find yourself struggling in any of the 7 pillars of greatness, I'd love to help you get re-aligned. Not sure what your practice or work should look like, struggling with discipline or mindset, need to become more resilient or courageous, perhaps you're not sure what your purpose is who you should have on your team; I can help.

If you'd like to schedule an introductory call reply to this email and let's get on a call.

Thanks for Stopping By

Thanks for coming by. I hope you enjoyed this week's issue. If you'd like more content before next Sunday visit The Edge of Greatness Project.

If you're working on a project or just need some help, please don't hesitate to reach out. I'd love to help you get to your next milestone. Just reply to this email.

It'd be great if you shared this with a friend. See you guys next Sunday.