Exploring Greatness Issue #7

Conquering Discipline Is Easier Than You Think

Greatness is Coming!

The 2023 Edge of Greatness Summit is coming! I'm excited to announce that this coming fall we will be doing round 2 of the Edge of Greatness Summit. Bigger and better than last year it is my goal to bring in double the incredible speakers that we had last year. Each day will offer a variety of perspectives on each of the 7 pillars of greatness.

There will be a free and paid option this year that will get you even more. Keep a look out for early sign up bonuses and discounts as we get closer. This will be an incredible event that you're not going to want to miss.

Coaching Available

I'm often surprised to hear people didn't know that I offer coaching. So, I want to remove any doubt, I provide coaching. If you find yourself struggling in any of the 7 pillars of greatness, I'd love to help you get re-aligned. Not sure what your practice or work should look like, struggling with discipline or mindset, need to become more resilient or courageous, perhaps you're not sure what your purpose is who you should have on your team; I can help.

If you'd like to schedule an introductory call reply to this email and let's get on a call.

1 Quote

Self-discipline starts with the mastery of your thoughts. If you don't control what you think, you can't control what you do.

Napoleon Hill

2 Lessons

  • Do Something Hard Everyday

Our mind does something interesting when faced with a hard task.

It often tries to find a way out of it. 

Your inner dialogue starts to create reasons why you shouldn't.

You may find yourself arguing about the benefits of such a difficult task.

Why should you do it?

What if I just skip this once?

Discipline is our mind's ability to overcome these thoughts and complete the task at hand.

This is why doing hard things builds discipline.

Nobody really wants to do that hard thing.

But those who have built discipline do it anyway.

I didn't want to do my iso-lunges today.

I don't want to take a cold shower.

I don't overly enjoy getting up at 5 a.m.

But each of these hard tasks provides me with a benefit that I want.

I lean into the benefit and believe it is worth the temporary discomfort of the moment.

By consistently pushing myself to do hard tasks, I find that I'm more capable of dong harder and harder tasks.

Each difficult moment, prepares me for the next.

The harder the task the better.

If you can start your day with a hard task, the rest of the day will seem simple in comparison. 

Go challenge yourself today to do something hard.

Let me know how it goes.

  • Monotony of Excellence.

Excellence is hard because it is often boring.

Sure parts of achieving excellence are fun.

But the majority of what it takes to be great is doing simple, basic things better than everyone else.

The only way to get that good is to do them every day.

Do you have what it takes to do the basics everyday to perfection.

To focus with such intent doing tasks that are so easy you could easily perform them automatically.

The best find a way to dial in the simplest tasks and repeatedly do them well.

Over and over and over and over.

Consistency is the key.

The only way to consistency is through discipline.

You want to learn to be consistent?

Pick a task (it can literally be anything).

Now do it every single day for the next 21 days.

You want to take it to another level, do it perfect for the next 21.

Now see if you can do it perfect for 42 days.

Build your habit of being consistent. 

Don't let anything stop you from achieving your task every day.

The best way to get consistent is to practice consistently.

Show up every day, do the tasks you have chosen, repeat.

3 Things to Check Out

If you've been enjoying these last few newsletters, perhaps you'd enjoy some of my other writing as well. I released 2 books in 2022; Be Great: Lessons Learned From a Life in the Dirt and Master of the Sea: A Little Story About Possibilities. There are two ways you can purchase these books: Amazon or get a signed copy here.

If you've already had a chance to read this book, I'd love it if you'd use that Amazon link above and leave me a review!

Discipline isn't the only way to achieve success and accomplish the tasks you have set for yourself. In Drive, Daniel Pink explores what really motivates us to get to work and keep striving to get better. Along the way he discovers 3 core principles that help keep us moving forward and driving to improve. Dive into this book to find out more.

Are you a fan of motivational clothing? I am. That's why I've been working on designing a handful of new spring items to keep you wanting to become a little better each day. Check out our New Collection and see if we have something that might fit your style.

New items still being added.

Thanks for Stopping By

Thanks for coming by. I hope you enjoyed this week's issue. If you'd like more content before next Sunday visit The Edge of Greatness Project.

If you're working on a project or just need some help, please don't hesitate to reach out. I'd love to help you get to your next milestone. Just reply to this email.

It'd be great if you shared this with a friend. See you guys next Sunday.