Exploring Greatness Issue #17

Your Mind Isn't Always Right

Quick Update

My birthday is just two weeks away.

It’s a big one for me this year as I turn 40.

If you’d like to show me a little birthday love, I’d be honored if you’d check out one of my books.

You can buy a signed copy here or order from Amazon.

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Thanks for all the support.

I love being able to share my journey with you.

1 Quote

If you are willing to change your thinking, you can change your feelings. If you change your feelings, you can change your actions. And changing your actions—based on good thinking—can change your life.

John C. Maxwell

2 Lessons

  • Be Willing to Change

We all have built in biases based on our experiences.

We can’t fully control what we think when we hear or see certain things.

Most of the time it’s our brain working quickly to create solutions to what we’re seeing.

Often our initial thoughts and intuition is pretty good too.

We use the information we have from years of experience and create a solution, quickly.

But what happens when you receive new information?

For example; if I were to tell you that I am just about 6 feet tall and currently weigh around 220 pounds; what do you picture?

If you know me that information above will be skewed from what you know.

If you don’t know me, you’ll have a different image.

Now, what if I tell you that I also have a 34 inch waist and fit nicely into a Large t-shirt.

Did your image change?

If it did, great!

I was hoping it would.

Because now you have new information.

You have information that provides a more detailed picture.

Our brains are designed to create biases and stereotypes.

They are often given a bad wrap, but they allow us to process a lot of information quickly.

However, what do you do when you receive new information?

Are you willing to change?

Don’t let your preconceived opinions blind you to new information.

This is one of our biggest problems today.

Whether you find yourself politically left or right, can you see the new information as it comes in?

Do you allow yourself to see the world around you for what it is, or are you looking at everything through bias colored glasses?

You can have your stereotypes and biases, that’s fine.

But can you see the information that comes in if it contradicts your current beliefs?

That’s what I want you to be open to.

Be open to new information.

Be open to change.

Be willing to view the world differently than those around you.

  • Show Up Anyway.

The other day I pulled up to the gym and everything about that moment was screaming go home.

I was tired.

My body hurt.

I was stiff.

My back hurt.

I had about twenty other projects I needed to do.

It was going to be a busy day.

Nothing about that moment said it was going to be a good workout.

The truth is a lot of my mornings feel like that.

I have more days where I don’t want to train than days I do.

But that’s where I pull away from my competition.

While others give into their feelings in the moment, I show up and workout anyway.

I don’t listen to the internal voice telling me to go home.

I do what I know I need to do.

Even if it’s not my best work, I show up.

I take this approach to everything I do.

It’s not about always feeling good.

It’s not about each day being your best day.

It’s about each day be the day you show up.

No matter what your mind is telling you, you show up.

That’s how we stack wins.

Small daily efforts repeated over years.

The funny thing is that whenever I feel that way I did about doing my workout, I usually have a great workout.

Once I get started those thoughts disappear and I find myself getting after it.

The same holds true to other tasks in my life.

Once I get to work, I find that all the negative thoughts begin to fade away.

So, next time you find yourself trying to talk yourself out of doing something you know you should be doing, tell your mind to pipe down.

Take the first step, and start.

If after ten minutes you’re still not feeling it, move on.

At least at that point you gave it a shot.

We’re not going to feel like doing the work we need to do to get better everyday.

It’s hard work, and we’re wired to find easy.

Our brain is going to tell us there’s an easier way.

Don’t let your mind talk you out of your dreams.

Show up.

Do the work.

Become what you dream of being.

Mind, Body, Spirit


I’m a huge fan of Simon Sinek. This week I wanted to share a little of why I think his work is so valuable. This video is all about cultivating a positive mindset and how to approach the work we do. Learning to look at the world through this lens can give you the power to do incredible things.


Are you ready for a new kind of challenge? I’ve done this a few times throughout my training life and it’s not easy. Watch this video with David Goggins and then give it a shot. Let me know if you can make the full 30 push push ups. Good luck.


This week I wanted to dive into the state of flow. Flow is what happens when our body and mind sync up and become one and put us in a place where our world passes differently around us. Finding a way into flow can open up our ability to do incredible work. Check out this video with Steven Kotler about what flow is and how we can find our way there more often.

Need a Coach?

Are you making progress toward your goals and dreams?

Do you feel stuck?

Perhaps I can help.

I've spent the last 10 years working with clients as a personal trainer and coach helping them build healthy sustainable habits.

During this time I've learned the psychology of habit creation, as well as the art of developing a system to increase productivity.

I'd love to help you reach your goals.

I'm currently looking to add 2 new coaching clients to my roster.

If this sounds interesting to you, connect with me today and let's schedule a call to see if we're a good fit for each other.

Email me at [email protected]

Thanks for Stopping By

Thanks for coming by. I hope you enjoyed this week's issue. If you'd like more content before next Tuesday visit The Edge of Greatness Project.

If you're working on a project or just need some help, please don't hesitate to reach out. I'd love to help you get to your next milestone. Just reply to this email.

It'd be great if you shared this with a friend. See you guys next Tuesday.

Special Recommendation:

Check out this week’s partner OPPO Flow Storybook.

If you have enjoyed this newsletter, you’ll appreciate this deeper look into mindset shift and opportunity stories.

OPPO FLOW StorybookFlying a Mindset Shift Straight to your Inbox!