Exploring Greatness Issue #15

Stepping into Courage

Quick Update

I’m officially a full time solopreneur.

My last day at my gym was Monday, May 1st.

Since then my focus has been on building up my coaching clientele (currently working with 6 incredible clients).

Preparing for this year’s Edge of Greatness Summit (coming this October).

We’re at 18 speakers so far.

And finding ways to be productive with my new schedule.

1 Quote

Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.

Brene Brown

2 Lessons

  • Stepping into Courage

Like I mentioned above, this was my first week of being a solopreneur.

I am giving myself some time to try and figure all of this out.

So, for this week I set smaller intentions.

Simple tasks like clean the kitchen.

Post once on Twitter daily.

E-mail 3 people about the Edge of Greatness Summit.

Write 100 words for your new book.

Things I knew I could get done.

Things I knew would make me feel accomplished.

What is amazing though is that by setting small intentions, I gained momentum and got so much more done.

I was able to schedule coaching intro calls.

I even landed two new coaching clients.

I emailed way more than 3 people, and secured 8 new guest speakers this week.

I got all the house chores I wanted to do done.

I found peace and joy in the new way of doing things as I was home every night when the kids got home.

But the most important thing I learned from this week.

The universe rewards courage.

It took courage for me to step away from all I’ve known for the last 15 years.

It took courage to believe that I can figure this new thing out.

It took courage to agree to move my family away from the home and town we’ve lived in for the last 13 years.

But with that courage comes rewards.

I connected with several new people this week because I had time to make calls.

I was home every night this week for dinner and to play with the kids.

I have a new energy that is lasting through each day.

Do I have it all figured out?

Absolutely not.

I’m sure I will have many frustrating days and difficult months ahead.

But I also believe that I’m doing what I’m meant to do.

I’m where I’m supposed to be.

And because of that the universe is rewarding me with opportunities.

Now it’s up to me to capitalize on them.

So, what I ask for you to consider this week is what courageous act can you take this week?

What’s something you’ve feared doing, or have put off, or don’t believe you’re ready for that you can start doing today?

It’s time for you to step into courage.

To believe that you are destined for more.

Be courageous this week.

Be Great!

  • What Does Courage Look Like?

I think it’s important to understand what courage looks like.

Too often we think that we aren’t courageous because we can’t see ourself standing in front of a charge gang of bandits to save the town.

Or walking a tightrope at 1,000 ft in the air.

Or braving the open ocean to find safety and refuge in a new country.

While there are incredible feats of courage on display every day around the world, courage can be quite simple.

For someone reading this, it might take an act of courage to get out of bed today.

Or to go outside.

Or call about that job opportunity.

To talk to your boss.

Courage comes in all shapes and sizes.

It’s not a one size fits all hat.

You have the ability to be courageous today.

Courage is about taking action.

Think of something that gives you pause.

Something that causes a bit of anxiety or fear.

Can you act on that thing?

That’s courage.

If you can find ways to act despite your fears, you are courageous.

And a little courage today, can become a great accomplishment tomorrow.

Think about all the things you’d like to do.

Which ones can you take action on today?

Can you step into your courage?

It may not be much to someone else, but for you it’s the greatest act you can do.

Be courageous.

Mind, Body, Spirit


Dr. Kashey is back to share some more of his wisdom. This week his video is about how to punch unfairness in the kneeballs. This mindset approach can give you some actionable tools on how to manage your emotions and response to when things are unfair. Life is unfair, but learning to deal with this can set you free.


Does fasting destroy our ability to build muscle? In this video Jason Fung dives into several studies to look at what happens when we fast. This is a solid in depth video that looks at variety of studies and the effects of exercise, fasting, and nutrition on our muscle mass and growth.


This is an interesting video from the Daily Stoic on 8 Habits to Becoming Your Best Self is not entirely about finding spirituality, but a lot of these habits will get you in touch with yourself and nature. Sometimes our feeling of peace aligns with the habits we create for our life. Check out Ryan Holiday and his work for a deeper look into what it means to live life as a stoic.

Need a Coach?

Are you making progress toward your goals and dreams?

Do you feel stuck?

Perhaps I can help.

I've spent the last 10 years working with clients as a personal trainer and coach helping them build healthy sustainable habits.

During this time I've learned the psychology of habit creation, as well as the art of developing a system to increase productivity.

I'd love to help you reach your goals.

I'm currently looking to add 2 new coaching clients to my roster.

If this sounds interesting to you, connect with me today and let's schedule a call to see if we're a good fit for each other.

Email me at [email protected]

Thanks for Stopping By

Thanks for coming by. I hope you enjoyed this week's issue. If you'd like more content before next Sunday visit The Edge of Greatness Project.

If you're working on a project or just need some help, please don't hesitate to reach out. I'd love to help you get to your next milestone. Just reply to this email.

It'd be great if you shared this with a friend. See you guys next Sunday.

Special Recommendation:

Check out this week’s partner OPPO Flow Storybook.

If you have enjoyed this newsletter, you’ll appreciate this deeper look into mindset shift and opportunity stories.

OPPO FLOW StorybookFlying a Mindset Shift Straight to your Inbox!