Exploring Greatness Issue #13

Stress and Anxiety

Coaching Available

I spent the first 23 years of my life being a part of a team.

Whether it was baseball, basketball, football, golf, or any of the other sports I dabbled in, one thing was always true.

I had support.

I had coaches, teammates, structure, and a purpose to the work I was putting in.

After college though, all of that went away.

No more team.

No more coaches.

No more structure.

Trying to find a new purpose.

No matter how long you've been out of the game, there's always time to get back that feeling of striving for greatness that athletics provide.

Being an athlete is a great teacher of life and how to pursue hard things.

It's time to get back to that, it's time to find purpose, it's time to be great.

I've spent the last 10 years working with clients as a personal trainer and coach helping them build healthy sustainable habits.

During this time I've learned the psychology of habit creation, as well as the art of developing a system to increase productivity.

I'd love to help you reach your goals.

I'm currently looking to add 2 new coaching clients to my roster.

If this sounds interesting to you, connect with me today and let's schedule a call to see if we're a good fit for each other.

Email me at [email protected]

1 Quote

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

Wayne Dyer

2 Lessons

  • Stress, Anxiety, and Taking Control.

The last few weeks have been somewhat of a whirlwind.

I've got some relatively big changes happening in my life and with them I've noticed an increase in stress an anxiety.

I'm generally a pretty easy going guy.

However, I've found myself losing my temper much quicker as of late.

Nobody enjoys feeling stressed or dealing with anxiety.

However, the unfortunate truth is that it's part of life.

We can't always control what our mind is doing or simply tell it to turn off.

It's not that easy.

Most of the time if we try to tell it to quiet down, all we really do is make it louder.

Instead, try these 3 things.

  1. Breath

  2. Workout

  3. Connect

Seems simple enough, right?

Something I've found when I'm feeling stressed  or dealing with anxiety is that I don't have the power to make it go away.

At least not immediately.

Instead, I try to distract myself and over time I come to realize the problem isn't as big as it may seem.

Something as simple as taking a breath has been huge for calming myself.

If a deep breath or two doesn't help, try these couple tricks.

By learning to control our breathing, we can start to create calm.

We can center ourself.

We can start to take control of our emotional state.

If you can learn to breathe, you can learn to slow the world down around you.

Something i can't imagine my life without is exercise.

It's become a centerpiece of who I am.

It also acts as a stress reliever.

On my worst days, things get better after a good workout.

Besides the chemicals released during exercise, I've found that increasing my heart rate forces me to stop thinking about what's bothering me.


Because when I increase my heart rate, I have to breathe.

Funny right?

I also find when I'm doing hard things my mind stops worry about everything else.

There are many incredible benefits to exercise, but for now, let's leave it there.

Find a way to increase activity, especially when feeling stressed or anxious.

The last piece can be different for everyone.

For me, it's playing with my kids.

That time with them allows me to forget about all the adult problems I'm holding onto.

It brings me back to being young and joyful.

It puts everything I'm struggling with into perspective.

But this connection time could be time with friends, a group, your significant other, or any number of other types of connection.

The important thing is to surround yourself with people you find joy with.

If that's friends, great.

If it's a significant other, perfect.

Kids, men's or women's group, coach, mentor, fantastic.

Find people, because it's important to increase your joy and to know you're not alone.

That power of feeling connected to something can change everything.

Like I mentioned above, stress and anxiety are unavoidable.

Our mind is going to do what our mind does.

But you're not alone.

There are others in it with you.

And if you still not sure there's anyone there or these tools haven't helped you, feel free to shoot me an email.

  • A Sense of Calm

When life starts to get away from me.

Things start spiraling out of control.

And the weight of the world feels like it's on your shoulders.

I try to do everything I can to find a sense of peace and calm.

For me this means escaping the speed of the world and finding myself in nature.

A walk on a secluded path.

Some time in the quiet of the world.

A short hike or adventure away from technology.

For me this is a special time that gives me a sense of calm and peace.

If you're not much for the outdoors, then you have to find something that does this for you.

Yesterday my anxiety was spiking and to combat that I took a moment and just watched the trees blow in the wind.

Something that simple helped me begin to calm.

As you can see from the images I like places that are away from people.

I like to feel like I'm away from the chaos of life.

I want to explore the world like I was the first to set foot there.

I am more than happy to have people on my journey with me, but they should be looking for the same peace and quiet.

For the majority of these adventures I was with my wife, Erin.

She would act as a spotter for interesting views and perspectives and we'd sit and enjoy the world spinning around us.

I felt closer to her in these moments than most.

There was no screen between us.

There was no noise other than the natural sounds of the world.

The air was fresh.

Anything seemed possible.

The outdoors may not be what you need, but calm and peace is a powerful tool.

Find your peace.

Find your calm.

Mind, Body, Spirit


Anxiety is a powerful and prevalent mental health challenge. It affects 1 in 14 people around the world. It doesn't discriminate and it's unrelenting. But it doesn't have to be uncontrollable. In this video Olivia Remes presents this TEDx Talk about how we can cope with anxiety. If you're struggling, perhaps this can give you some direction on where to go next.


Exercise has a lot of powerful benefits, but what does this impact look like when it comes to stress and anxiety? In this video Dr. Paul Thompson dives into what happens when we exercise and how our brain is impacted by exercise. There are many great benefits and one of these is improving our current mental state.


When our mind wants to live in the past or prepare for the future we can find ourselves living in a state of anxiety. By utilizing mindfulness or meditation we can train our self to live more present and in doing so reduce our anxiety. Dr. Christine Wolf explains how mindfulness works and provides you with a short practice you can follow in this video. Give it a try and see how it goes.

Coaching Available

I'm often surprised to hear people didn't know that I offer coaching. So, I want to remove any doubt, I provide coaching. If you find yourself struggling in any of the 7 pillars of greatness, I'd love to help you get re-aligned. Not sure what your practice or work should look like, struggling with discipline or mindset, need to become more resilient or courageous, perhaps you're not sure what your purpose is who you should have on your team; I can help.

If you'd like to schedule an introductory call reply to this email and let's get on a call.

Thanks for Stopping By

Thanks for coming by. I hope you enjoyed this week's issue. If you'd like more content before next Sunday visit The Edge of Greatness Project.

If you're working on a project or just need some help, please don't hesitate to reach out. I'd love to help you get to your next milestone. Just reply to this email.

It'd be great if you shared this with a friend. See you guys next Sunday.