Combating the Winter Blues

Learning the Tools of a Successful Winter

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The Everyday Father is coming soon to NGBN TV.

Utilizing the principles of the Edge of Greatness, applied to Family, Fitness, and Fatherhood.

We will dive into what it’s like being a busy dad, finding time for fitness, exploring fatherhood (the ups and downs), and so much more through a look into my life.

If you are a father, struggle with exercise habits, or just looking for some new things to try, this show is for you.

Excited to bring it to you soon, until then give us a follow on Facebook and Instagram.

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Today’s Quote

In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.

Albert Camus

Behind the Pillars

  • Mindset and Discipline

It’s always toward the end of February that the winter blues start taking their hold.

The amount of cold and grey have finally reached their tipping point.

I’ve definitely felt the loss of drive and motivation.

This is why it’s so important to develop a strong mindset and discipline.

Motivation will always ebb and flow.

There is no consistency relying on motivation.

This especially becomes true during the shorter, grayer, colder days of winter.

So, what are the winter blues?

They are the bodies response to less sunlight, shorter days, and the cold of weather.

Studies have linked the winter months to chemical changes in the brain that lead to foggy mind, drowsiness, poor sleep, depression, and less motivation.

It’s a challenging time of year for many.

This is why it’s so important to become a person of discipline, not motivation.

When the brain starts to pull you into a foggy state of depression and feeling lethargic, you need tools and systems to act.

There are ways to combat these feelings though.

There are things we can do to ensure that the winter blues don’t control our life.

Having the right mindset and discipline are a start.

I’ve started implementing more of these over the last few years.

I still feel the blues, but they have a much weaker hold on me than they once did.

Finding ways to combat these down feelings can help you continue to make progress all year round.

Coaches Corner

  • Battling the Winter Blues

The last few weeks have been a challenge for me.

The winter blues have been in full effect.

Foggy focus, lethargic, easily distracted, and generally unmotivated.

I often hit this wall around this time of year.

It used to control me.

Then I started implementing these tricks:

1. Exercise I have a harder time getting started, but I've learned if I start warming up, I get into it.

I also have learned that after I exercise I feel better.

I have an increase in focus and energy.

This is a staple for helping me navigate the winter blues.

2. Diet Focusing on my nutrition during this time of year helps.

Eating cleaner foods.

Timing my nutrition better.

Eating foods that give me energy.

All of this goes towards helping me work through the grey months of Ohio.

3. Vitamin D

This could go under nutrition, but I thought it important to touch on.

This year I've been extremely consistent taking vitamin D.

With the shorter days and increased grey, this supplement helps fill in the gaps.

Sure, getting outside is still better, but this has been helpful with keeping my levels more stable.

4. Pick up a new hobby I've found that we tend to do less in the winter.

By picking up a new hobby, it gives us something to be excited about.

It gets us doing stuff.

It also gives us a reason to stay focused and have fun.

5. Get outside I know it's cold, but there's not much better for our mood and energy than getting outside.

The sunlight (when it's there) is so important for us.

The fresh air and time outside can revitalize us.

Get outside, even if it has to be in short bursts.

6. Socialize

Get together with friends.

Don't get stuck inside all alone all winter long.

Pick up your phone and connect with people.

Find ways to bring people together.

The energy that comes from gatherings can get you feeling better and more connected.

In short, the winter months are hard.

They're especially hard the farther north or south you go, but we all battle these feelings.

There's several ways you can combat these winter blues, start trying a few of these today.


  1. Exercise

  2. Eat Good

  3. Vitamin D

  4. Pick a Hobby

  5. Get Outside

  6. Socialize

Let me know what you do to battle the winter blues?

A World of Greatness

My friend Jason B. Dutton has been working on creating a book for over 7 years. He’s be relentlessly pursuing this moment and just last week it finally came. He is now a published author. Through all the ups and downs, he stuck with it. He bet on himself and he’s now able to say something few people ever do, I’m an author. Congratulations brother, super excited for you.

Connect with Jason here.

Pick up your copy of How to Dance today.

I recently shared a conversation with Tobi about finding ways to continue to pursue greatness while being a CEO father of 6. Clearly time is limited and the family needs him in a lot of ways, yet still Tobi makes it work. Most recently he was on an adventure climbing mountains and hiking in Scotland. Before that he performed the David Goggins 4×4×48 (twice plus 4). I’ll let him explain it, check out this video.

There’s something new happening now.

NGBN has launched its exclusive membership program.

Join NGBN’s 456 Membership Program and help us save lives and get exclusive member only community, discounts, and access.

Check Out Our Sponsors

Their message aligns with mine and focuses on creating a strong mindset.

Go Primal Lifestyle and Fitness Apparel wear the mindset to be the best for the ones that need you the most.

Use promo code BEGREAT at checkout and save 10%.

If you follow me on social media you’ve seen my new shorts/reels and clips.

These are made possible by OpusClip.

OpusClip is an A.I. generated clip creator with brand functionality that makes cutting longer form video extremely easy.

Our next sponsor is ASEA.

Their revolutionary cell signaling REDOX molecule is changing the way we can impact our health.

I’ve been using ASEA Redox now for a few months and have noticed improved sleep, focus, mood, and youthfulness.

Check out what ASEA and REDOX can do for you today.

Did you know?

I often forget to share all the ways you can connect and get involved with the Edge of Greatness project.

And since you’ve made it this far, perhaps you’re interested in more of what we do.



  1. Books: Be Great or Master of the Sea

  2. Speaking

  3. Coaching

  4. Apparel

  5. Collaboration/Sponsorships (reply to this email)

Need a Coach?

As an athlete I always appreciated good coaching.

It often made the difference between a successful season and an average one.

When you’ve got big goal to compete at the highest level, it helps to have someone looking at the big picture, while you focus on the specific actions.

Have you got something big coming up?

Need someone to help organize the path forward?

Let me know what you’re working on and we’ll see if I’m the right fit.

I've spent the last 15 years working with clients as a personal trainer and coach helping them build healthy sustainable habits.

During this time I've learned the psychology of habit creation, the power of systems, and why simple works better.

I'd love to help you reach your goals.

I'm currently looking to add 2 new coaching clients to my roster.

If this sounds interesting to you, connect with me today and let's schedule a call to see if we're a good fit for each other.

Email me at [email protected]

Thanks for Stopping By

Thanks for coming by. If you enjoyed this issue, perhaps you’d consider buying me a coffee.

If you'd like more content before next Tuesday visit The Edge of Greatness Project.

If you're working on a project or just need some help, please don't hesitate to reach out. I'd love to help you get to your next milestone. Just reply to this email.

It'd be great if you shared this with a friend. See you guys next week.